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  1. 王衍, 谢雪非, 徐慧, 孔康杰, 胡琼, 黄周鑫, 朱先磊. 基于特斯拉阀的新型非接触式机械密封技术研究[J]. 摩擦学学报, 2022, online.(EI)

  2. 王衍, 谢雪非, 徐慧, 黄周鑫, 何一鸣, 杨怀石, 胡琼. 新型非接触式自冲击密封结构设计与性能分析[J]. 机械工程学报, 2022, online.(EI)

  3. 王衍, 徐慧, 谢雪非, 孔康杰, 胡琼, 谢晨卓, 蔡张伟. 仿特斯拉阀结构新型槽端面干气密封的数值研究[J]. 摩擦学学报, 2022, online.(EI)

  4. 王衍, 王英尧, 肖喻丰, 胡琼, 赵全忠, 付强. 基于有序造型设计的干气密封超快激光精密加工[J]. 材料导报, 2022, 36(5): 20120238.(EI)

  5. Liu Yongzhen, Zhang Yimin. Parameters research on time-varying stiffness of the ball bearing system without race control hypothesis[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2022, 236(3): 1334-1351. (SCI四区, IF: 1.758)

  6. 王衍, 曹志康, 王英尧, 胡琼, 胡鹏, 肖业祥. 旋转流场流态预测模型验证及其速度分量选择的差异性[J]. 化工进展, 2021, 40(5): 2389-2400.(EI)

  7. Zhang Yimin, Liu Yongzhen. Modeling of the rotor-bearing system and dynamic reliability analysis of rotor’s positioning precision. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part O-Journal of Risk and Reliability,2021,235(3):491-508. (SCI四区, IF: 2.021)

  8. Zhang Yimin, Liu Yongzhen. Research on the rolling contact fatigue life of the bearing considering the friction effect. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2021,235(12):2238-2264. (SCI四区, IF: 1.758)

  9. Zuo Pingcheng, Cheng Yonggui, Wang Zidong, Dou Xiaoxiao, Liu Jianlin. Tension and bending of the particle raft driven by a magnet. Colloid and Interface Science Communications, 2021, 45: 100528.(Q1, IF=4.914) 

  10. Zuo Pingcheng, Yu Hong, Liu Jianlin, Wen Zhijie. Tensile and shearing behaviors of the particle raft, Acta Mechanica Sinica 2021, 37, 907. (Q3, IF=1.897)

  11. Wang Yan, Ge Yunlu, Huang Guoqing, Hu Qiong, Hu Peng. Microscale flow field analysis and flow prediction model exploration of dry gas seal[J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 52663-52675.(SCI二区, IF: 3.476)

  12. 王衍, 葛云路, 黄国庆, 胡琼, 肖业祥, 胡鹏. 干气密封旋转流场的宏观特性与介观速度场的逻辑关系研究[J]. 摩擦学学报, 2020, 40(3): 377-390.(EI)

  13. 胡琼, 朱敏俊, 王衍, 唐晓康, 徐维聪, 郑小清. 具径向有序微造型的枞树型槽干气密封性能分析[J]. 工程科学与技术, 2020, 52(1): 153-160..(EI)

  14. 王衍, 胡琼, 肖业祥, 黄国庆, 朱妍慧, 葛云路. 超高速干气密封扰流效应及抑扰机制研究[J]. 航空学报, 2019, 40(10): 116-125.(EI)

  15. 胡琼, 王衍, 戴嵘, 孙见君, 郑小清. 基于有序微造型的圆弧线槽干气密封性能分析[J]. 化工学报, 2019: 70(3): 1006-1015.(EI)

  16. Wang Yan, Sun Jianjun, Hu Qiong, Wang Da, Zheng Xiaoqing. Numerical analysis of T-groove dry gas seal with orientation texture at the groove bottom[J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2019, 11(1): 1-12.(SCI四区, IF: 1.566)

  17. Liu Yongzhen, Zhang Yimin. A research on the time-varying stiffness of the ball bearing considering the time-varying number of laden balls and load distribution [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2019, 233(12): 4381-4396. (SCI四区, IF: 1.758)

  18. Liu Yongzhen, Zhang Yimin, Wu Zhihua. Stochastic dynamic analysis of the rotor–bearing system considering the randomness of the radial clearance [J]. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2019, 41(11): 529. (SCI四区, IF: 2.361)

  19. Zuo Pingcheng, Ji Jiaxin, Rafael Tadmor, Liu Jianlin, Wrinkling number and force of a particle raft in compression, European Physical Journal E, 2019, 42, 147.(Q3, IF=1.60) 


  1. 王衍, 王英尧, 曹志康, 赵全忠, 付强, 徐冰, 金小俊, 胡琼, 马志远.一种干气密封微米级沟槽的超短脉冲激光精密加工方法.(2021)专利号ZL202010645926.1.

  2. 王衍, 葛云路, 黄国庆, 胡琼, 徐良, 胡鹏, 刘洋. 一种适用于超高速工况下的组合推力与径向轴承装置及其检测方法.(2020)专利号ZL201910611282.1.

  3. 王衍, 郑小清, 周先才, 郑炫. 一种基于槽底微造型设计的干气密封开槽方法.(2020)专利号ZL201710440044.X.

  4. 王衍, 郑小清, 周先才, 卢龙, 于雪梅. 一种双向旋转辅助起停式可回吸型树形槽端面密封结构.(2020)专利号ZL201611071739.7.

  5. 胡琼, 艾路, 李英玉. 穿越齿轮箱体的高速轴用复合密封装置.(2020)专利号ZL201710547212.5.

  6. 刘建林,左平成,杨一祥,韩佳鲲,李子木,胡嘉奥,一种测量船体在遮阳球中航行所受阻力的模拟装置,专利号:2020228716526,授权日:2021.06.实用新型专利, 已授权

  7. 左平成,刘建林,颗粒筏剪切试验模拟平台V1.0,2021SR0109039,授权时间:2020。软件著作权已授权

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